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~ greedSometimes I wonder. What is it really that I want? I'm beginning to think that my 'greed' originates from the possible fact that I don't really know what it is I want and thus, want everything just to be sure. Or perhaps it's the insecurity that I don't want to end up with nothing. I don't really know. Human emotions and intentions can be such a puzzling thing. It can take so much effort for someone to understand himself. To be a stranger to oneself. Such a dilemma can be a real drag. To have been doing things because people tell you to, then when no one tell you anything, you haven't clue on what you want to do. Being with limited time on this plane of existence, I panic and try to puzzle life together into something that isn't so bad. Sometimes forcing pieces into places they do not belong. Thus, possibly destroying the entire puzzle itself. When I realize this, I begin to fear destroying it and become very cautious of putting it together only to remember that time runs short. A rather funny scenario, really. I just laugh at the fact I can't find my direction because of such a funny dilemma. Will I forever simply laugh at my predicament? "I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; "Let me play the fool." - Gratiano Sign Out. ~ another boring dayHow stupid yet so typical of me. I forgot to go to the laundromat today. The only reason I remembered was because of Anna. I sent her a SMS message with a greeting. She responded by asking if I had just woken up or whether I had just come from the laundromat. That was when it occured to me that I should have gone to the laundromat. How embarrassing. I'm really thankful though that she actually reminds me of those things. I know I should be responsible enough, but I always seem to forget things so easily. In any case, other than that, I was able to chat with one of the more interesting blogs which I like to read and comment on a usual basis. I just took a few minutes to make a comment on her blog. Sheesh, today is terirbly boring. I think I could probably make endless posts about topics which would most likely bore a lot of you off your wits. Summer is supposed to be fun and a good rest from adacemics. Yeah, I appreciate the fact I have no school work to do... but at the price of all this boredom?!?! It almost spoils the very essence of summer. No one to talk to since everyone is gone. Nothing to play since I haven't a PS2 memory card and I can't really afford to spend a good fortune to buy one. Nothing to watch since TV is getting repetitive. No where to go since I'm on a small budget and almost everyone is on vacation. I need a break. A real break where I can sit back and relax without a worry in the world and enjoy whatever I want to. Alas, it's free to dream. I think I've ranted long enough about boredom. I'll think of something better to post next time. Maybe a poem or two. I might even add a section for my poetry and infuse some connectivity between Blogspot and my account on Freewebs. Oh darn. I forgot. I still need to finish the website of Edward. I'm getting paid. Tch... I guess it's to the notepad for me. Sign Out. ~ a long summerThe heat is terrible. It was scorching hot this morning for Easter. Fortunately, I didn't let it get to me until I got home. I woke up this morning to the missed call of Anna. She thoughtfully woke me up just so I don't end up late for the YFC meeting. Though we were just on the phone the night before, she still managed to give me a ring. Surprising, actually. I didn't think that she was serious on waking me up just in case my cellphone failed to. Anyway, I got to the mass and attended the meeting without much complications. Nothing particularly interesting happened at the meeting. Though I was informed of some valuable stuff and now I will be spending less time at the house, particularly on Thurdays and Fridays. On these days, starting this week, I'll be attending the practice for the YFC GK Concert where I'll be dancing. Yes, you heard it right. Dancing. I am no dancer, but I'll give it my all. It should prove to be a learning experience for me. Why am I suddenly trying all these things? Simple, I'm not sure on capability to survive here. Should I fail and have to move to the United States anyway, at least I'd have done so many things and made so many memories before I do. If I do manage to survive, then the wonderful memories and people would serve as my strength for staying. I want to be able to make the most out of my life. I'll take more risks and be bolder about my decisions. At the same time, I will value practicality and stability. An opportunity like this can only come so rarely in one's life. I will make all of my experiences worth remembering. I will take swift actions but value the patience that comes with the better things in life. To be specific, I'll quote the T-shirts of Kuya Kitt and Ate Tin... "True Love Waits." Everything will come with perseverance. I'll have my turn. I just need to wait for the right chance. ~ new lookLookie! I'm getting the hang of this Blogspot thingamabob! Worked on this from scratch and initially had a very different idea. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come through with my original idea mostly because I couldn't find the means to realize it. Even the theme was quite different and thus, I come out with this somewhat half-baked piece of work. It hardly had any effort put into it graphic-wise mostly because I had wasted much of my original zeal on an idea that I couldn't work out. Image is just cropped, lightened and pasted on with some fancy text layout. Just my luck... Hehe...
~ novus.noti"a new experience is always liberating... it's nice to be a noob again." Did you really think I'd leave this blog stagnant again for quite some time? Well, fine, so I have been a little lazy as of late which explains my lack of updates. Though even if I could update, I wouldn't have much to put. It's not like staying in the house nearly 24/7 will give me much to really write about. Though something of interest has happened, I got a little lazy and the PC lag didn't really help much. But fact is, I'm typing here and I will finish this post! So, what is this interesting thing that's happened lately? Well, I attended the Ichiraku Ramen Forum's EB. Why? I don't know, maybe because I was bored, maybe because I thought it might be fun. Whatever the reason, it was worth it. It was fun to have met a bunch of new people. My experience was quite interesting and it actually encouraged more activity from me over at the Ichi-Forum. I have some pics courtesy of the Ichiraku members. I gave them due credit though I didn't really ask permission. We basically met up and had our lunch at Goldilocks. After some chatting, we went off and proceeded to the bowling lanes next to the arcade Synergy. I have come to the conclusion that... No matter how you turn it or how many times you send it through the bowels of the inferno, I just can't get bowling. Period. No chance. With bowling aside, I've come to appreciate initial D much more than before and have my own card! Shallow bastard that I am, I am proud of the little piece of plastic that now resides in my wallet. The new people I met there are indeed a lively bunch and made it all worthwhile. It feels great to be a n00b again. Sign Out. ~ mundialis.labora"...the only thing certain about humanity is their uncertainty." Another day has passed and thankfully, my pockets were not as empty as they were previously thanks to my folks sending me some money. Hopefully, I can visit Makati soon to see whether College Assurance Plan ( which didn't really assure me much ) is able to give me the money they failed to give during the last two semester which they legally owe. I know that I may be sounding like a money-hungry scrooge by now, but the fact is, I need it to survive. It's becoming awfully difficult and I need some kind of re-assurance that things will not turn into a nightmare. This is simply because I refuse to go the United States of America. I think I've already mentioned this on my first post. Anyway, moving on, I attended a small get-together with some of my High School friends. All we did was mostly play the Warcraft III map, Defense of the Ancients ( or simply DotA ) and after which, we went over to Rap's place and played some PS2 games. All in all, not too exciting, but it served well in turning what might have been a dull day into something much more entertaining. After all, these guys are all much weirder than I am and I can feel at home with all the insane weirdness going on. I also had a rather lengthly talk on the phone with Nikoru-chan and it was fun. It's always fun to have a fun conversation with someone you feel comfortable with. Lots of fun, really. It was a much longer conversation than the kind we've been having in recent days due to the lack of time. Which gives me reason to fear my upcoming telephone bills since I called her mobile phone while she was at the province. Nonetheless, I don't regret it because it was all worthwhile by making her laugh and smile for at least a few moments. It gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling to make friends happy, doesn't it? [ Update on the Perditus Adfectio series... ] I found myself pondering over a question asked to me one time, "Isn't this enough? Just being like this?". At the time, I couldn't really think of a decent answer so I just answered with whatever came to mind. But after reflecting on the matter, I realized one more answer to this question. I realized that, "as long as I am only a friend and prove him wrong, he will continue to be frustrated at that fact and take it out on her". As long as he continues to take it out on her as part of that frustration against me, it will burn in my conscience with a trail of thought which can be summarized as, 'he hurts her because of me'. Paranoid as it seems, this trail of throught has truth to it and the fact that it is partially true, makes it true enough for me to believe. Confusing? Imagine living in my head. I was said to think too much and yeah, I guess I do. Should I bury these feelings of mine? A forbidden feeling? Or should I just hide it and foster it until I lose all hope completely? Sign Out. ... ~ perditus.adfectio.duo"...love with someone unreachable. It's both a pity and an adventure." Okay, I've gotten a decent four hour sleep and I shall be departing soon for Rap's place. Why? Because I can and it's terribly boring here. You'd think that after all my hardship, I'd learn the value of money and I'd probably just stay home and make ends meet. No, not really. I do appreciate the value of the hard-earned Peso, however, I would rather not stay around in a house without water. It's just... difficult. 'What about Tsukasa?' you might ask? Well, I'm going to buy some supplies for him first before I leave. In any case, I will continue my adventurous tales from yesterday. Well, to tell you franbkly, there really isn't much left to type. We had a played a bunch of games to determine which unit was most dominant for that day. Sadly, I generally lost in the other competitions except for Sonic Blastman! I dominated somehow early on, but I just lost my strength after a while. Good thing it was Dhon who represented the unit and not me. After the whole things, we went to eat at Burger King where had some pretty interesting conversations. What I guess I could look forward to is the possibility of Dhon, Lei, Eums and possibly MM to come over and stay for about a week some time after Holy Week. Let me make it clear, it's not the fact that a bunch of men are coming to sleep over, it's just that I cannot imagine the chaos and comedy that would come out of 5 guys staying in one house for one whole week. It almost sounds like a reality TV show. Now that I think about it, it might as well be one! You can be sure that I'll be making a summary of each day should it happen. Now that all the good stuff has been let out, it's time for a little emo moment and some rants. If you would, I'd like you to connect the quotes of the perditus adfectio posts. If you're lazy, then I'll give you the benefit of checking it out in the hidden message below. Just highlight it. " I've come to realize that I'm honestly, undeniably, hopelessly in...love with someone unreachable. It's both a pity and an adventure. " That should pretty much sum up why I feel inspired yet at the very same time, I also feel somewhat forlorn. I find myself captivated and frustrated. It's beyond my understanding as to why this is gravitating to such an extent. Typically, it does not reach this level. I would suddenly discover that my thoughts are already being consumed. Warning, the next segment is not for the easily disgusted and for those who despise various forms of mushy stuff. You have been warned. ... ... ... ... ... I can't totally understand why I'm like this. I know that I've always had an attraction somehow but I had never realized that it had reached this degree. But, despite this, my first and foremost concern is her happiness. I wish that I could be the one who makes her smile the most. How I wish that if she thinks of me, she would smile at least ever so slightly. And to make her laugh brings me a joy that I can't even begin to explain. I'm trapped. Because she most likely can't even begin to picture the possibility of us. As hopeless as I feel, I want to move forward. I know that she is not as happy as she could be. He isn't always there and he's made her cry countless times. I feel guilt somehow in that. How I wish I could be there whenever a tear rolls down her face. Whether it be of sadness brought to her by the world, or tears of joy that makes life worth living. I want to be there, at her side, whenever she needs someone to cry on, to laugh with, or simply just to keep her company on a gloomy monday. I love her. Sign Out. ~ perditus.adfectio"I've come to realize that I'm honestly, undeniably, hopelessly in..." Good news! I was sent a sum of cash through my bank account by my folks. Now I can buy myself some decent food and of course some for my faithful companion, Tsukasa. I still need to get the cash from Donee though. I need to pay the bills and find a new place to stay before everything here gets disconnected. Argh! If any of you happen to know a place that I can rent ( preferrably an apartment or someplace that I don't need to share ) so I can finally get some direction in this life of mine. For some odd reason, I feel bound by this house... as if it prevents me from doing anything productive. Old habits, in a sense. Anyway, today was a pretty fun day. The most fun I've had in the recent days. There was an unofficial GSG Tourney ( with Dhon as the origin of it all ) over at the Timezone of Glorietta 4. It ended up becoming something resembling an EB but the main focus was intended on the games. Though it was planned to be composed of multiple 3-person teams, it ended up being an inter-unit ( the GSG is subdivided into 5 units ) competition since all the units had a representative except for the Zexen Silver Knights unit. In the morning, I met up with Lei on my way to visit Nikoru-chan. Originally, I had no intentions of waiting for Lei, but since Nikoru-chan insisted so, I promptly waited. It was fun. Though brief, it was quite enjoyable. We had laughs and my stomach literally started to hurt because of Lei's story about the Q-tip which seemed to have grown into a meter stick with a t-shirt wrapped on it, dipped in gasoline and wrapped with barbed wire. At G4, me and Lei opted to race on initial D. I won once. He won the rest. Ok fine, it was my first time playing and my leg kept on gettin cramps!!! I swear, I was forced to step on the acceleration pedal with my left foot since my right was getting cramps. It was enjoyable though I lost since they were close races. In the fighting game competition, I managed to snag a few wins at Guilty Gear XX. Plus, we've found a new random amusing game... Sonic Blastman! It's a game where you punch the pad and it meaure how strong the punch was. We kinda hogged that game for a good hour or two because of the fun of punching the camera shot of one of the members. Haha! I could probably go on and on about what happened but I'm sleepy now. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow. Sign Out. ~ aquae.sine"water into wine is cool. but what if you have no water?" Water. Perhaps one of the most valuable things needed to survive in the world. I just got cut off from it. That's right. No water. Apparently, the bills were not paid. No, it's not my fault. The story is kinda long, but to sum it up, the water bill wasn't paid and I'm suffering the consequences. I need a shower. I'll most likely send an SMS message to one of my nice neighbors/friends if I can shower at his place. Things have been pretty boring in the house. No one to talk to, 'cept the cat which I call Tsukasa. I tried to send him off on his own, but he keeps on coming back. Though honestly, I don't want to let him out on his own but it's hard just maintaining myself. He has a better chance of surviving elsewhere on his own or with some other cats in the neighborhood. I'll most likely be working some time soon so I can support myself here for the summer. My folks in the US have been nagging me incessantly to go there and live with them. Repeatedly, I refuse. My reasons for staying will remain hidden for the moment, but I think I'll reveal it in due time. Just not now. But it is getting much more difficult to survive with the minimal funds I have. Some guy named Donee, a friend of my mom's, is supposed to send some cash but it's going to arrive some time next week and it's going to be hard for me to survive the next week with what I have. Plus, I'm not sure how long the electricity and DSL will last. Just like the water, these could just get disconnected one morning and I won't be able to do anything about it. Without a landline, prepaid load and no internet to communicate with my folks in the US, I'm most likely to die within a span of 72 hours if I do nothing. Naturally, I'll take action, but I just hope it doesn't have to come to that. Someone cried on the phone today. I felt helpless. I couldn't do anything but listen. My advice was probably crap and I don't know. The one who called is special to me. Another moment in life, wherein one moment, you feel like you can handle anything... Then something happens which makes you realize that you can't. Those few minutes on the phone felt worse than this whole week combined! I couldn't do anything. That was just shit. I hope she's alright. Sign Out. ~ boku.no.tsubasa"...from the ashes of one fire, let my wings be born." It's been a while since I've been typing something like this. Back then though, I don't really think I appreciated what I had. In any case, it's too late to go back. Okay, so what's the big deal? Everything. Life will never be the way it used to. Every aspect of my life has changed from the last year. From being in-love and knowing that person loves you back to realizing that she just doesn't love you anymore. One moment, you're having a relatively stable lifestyle and the next thing that happens is that you're all alone in a rotting house with no one to talk to. Everything has changed completely from what it used to be. No, I am not getting emotional. I just stated the solid facts. I don't believe I should be ranting on my very first post so I'll spare you all the angst. I just mentioned all of that because it has something to do with the quote above. With all of what's been happening, I don't want to think that life is going straight to hell. Partially because I'm kinda responsible for a portion of the trouble. My folks want me to move with them to another country but I refused and chose to stay here which is now causing complications. It's selfish. I know. But I have my reasons. I don't want to just run away. I'm staying here. I have things I still need to fix. Hopefully, I'll get the job done. Sign Out. |
wing of the seraph![]() My name is Charles. I'm currently 19 and I was born on a chilly November night. Living alone in a dilapidated house. Has inherent emo traits. Needs cash. Wants to rule the world. Ambitious. Lazy. Needs a hug. days to remember
be rememberedunforgettable
old photographs |